
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: War for Men's Minds

April 15, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Iraq Debate: Principles vs. Rules
by Joseph Rowlands
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The war on Iraq has pitted Objectivists vs. Objectivists in the intellectual battlefield. (Read more...)
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March 11, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Project: SOLO Brochure
by Barry Kayton
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We've printed the first SOLO brochures. Barry Kayton explains the how and the why of it. (Read more...)
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March 10, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Polite Slave
by Russell Madden
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Imagine: the Antebellum era. Someplace in the Deep South. Mississippi. Alabama. Georgia. A slave owner calls his favorite property into the house to discuss an important political and philosophical issue... (Read more...)
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March 3, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Solo Status March 2003
by Joseph Rowlands
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We set up a list of projects we intend to tackle over the next year. Here they are, in no particular order. (Read more...)
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February 24, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Death of Morality and the Electoral Process
by Scott D. DeSalvo
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We sleep in the nihilist, moral relativist, statist bed we watched being made, slowly, with every argument we kept in our mouth, every objection we thought better of expressing. It is time to change the sheets. (Read more...)
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February 13, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Genetic Engineering - Why They Don’t Get It
by Peter Cresswell
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Activists analyse the minutiae of rumour, gossip and innuendo surrounding GE plants, foods and crops, yet seem to be missing the big picture. (Read more...)
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February 6, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Retirement of a Velvet Revolutionary
by Peter Cresswell
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As Vaclav Havel steps down from the Czech Presidency he has held since his country wrested its freedom from the Soviets, a SOLOist reflects on the lessons we can learn from the great man's early career. (Read more...)
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January 30, 2003
War for Men's Minds
In the Arms of the State
by Russell Madden
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Russ Madden examines a TV story on a well-known tax evader and considers whether we should pay our taxes. (Read more...)
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January 3, 2003
War for Men's Minds
The Virtue of Execution and War
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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Because ours is a world of immense moral grayness, and low philosophical and legal self-confidence, many shy away from the extreme of condign punishment and vigorous societal revenge against profound physical evil. (Read more...)
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December 20, 2002
War for Men's Minds
What's Your Point?
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Often, how we teach or explain something is overlooked, especially when what we want to teach is foremost on our minds. Without the listener understanding the "why?" and the "how?", you're usually left with a "so what?" or a misunderstanding. (Read more...)
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December 17, 2002
War for Men's Minds
War Room FAQ
by Sam Pierson
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Answers to "Frequently Asked Questions" about the War Room and the War for Men's Minds. (Read more...)
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December 12, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Missionary Position
by Barry Kayton
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What is it about deliberately seeking to introduce others to your way of thinking that seems unappealing? Let me begin by asking: to what in reality does the concept "missionary" refer? (Read more...)
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December 6, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Virtue of Extremism
by Lindsay Perigo
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Lindsay Perigo, an extremist? Oh yeah. (Read more...)
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December 4, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The REDICO Formula
by Francois Tremblay
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Solving disagreements is always a difficult task. It can end in quagmires and sometimes in endless circles. In a philosophical discussion, this is a big problem, since nothing gets done at all. There appears to be a definite need for a codified method of discussion... (Read more...)
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November 26, 2002
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
The Scourge of Public Libraries
by Jeff Landauer
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None but a cad could possibly argue against the existence of public libraries, isn't that so? Still, our own Jeff Landauer does... (Read more...)
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November 22, 2002
War for Men's Minds
How Are We Doing?
by Craig Ceely
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Are we making any progress in the war of ideas? Is there any objective way to tell? (Read more...)
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November 1, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Six Months of SOLO HQ
by Jeff Landauer
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SoloHQ.com went public on May 1, 2002. Six months later, we're still going strong. (Read more...)
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October 30, 2002
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
Come Back, Karl: All Is Forgiven
by Cameron Pritchard
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What would Karl Marx think of his vegan, tree-hugging, anti-industrial progeny? Not much... (Read more...)
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October 29, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Ransberger Pivot
by Barry Kayton
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There's only one disadvantage to The Ransberger Pivot: it doesn't come naturally... (Read more...)
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October 11, 2002
War for Men's Minds
SOLO Conference 1.5 Testimonials
by Various Authors
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The testimonials from participants of the first SOLO conference in the US, SOLOC1.5 NY! (Read more...)
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September 12, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Blogs: Welcome Signs of Life
by Arthur Silber
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In a fascinating recent article in Slate, writer Jack Shafer discusses the phenomenon of "Right-Wing Envy." Shafer notes: "[I]t's not just money that makes right writing so much fun. While the right seeks converts, trying both to persuade and entertain, the left spends its journalistic energy policing the movement. . . . [C]onservative journalists are more likely to allow readers to enjoy a magazine article without strong-arming them into signing the ideology oath that seems to come packed with most lefty journalism." The increasing effects of this very real, and welcome occurrence, are perhaps most noticeable in a relatively new Internet development: the world of blogs. (Read more...)
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August 20, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Is Humanity Progressing?
by Francois Tremblay
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As time goes by, is society getting better or worse? Are we gaining or losing freedom? Are we progressing? Is the environment cleaner or more polluted? (Read more...)
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August 15, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Turd Way
by Marcus Bachler
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About a year and a half ago I noticed a book prominently displayed in a bookshop in Oxford, UK. It was called "The Third Way" by Anthony Giddens. (Read more...)
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August 13, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Only Possible Premise
by Kernon Gibes
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Ayn Rand admonished people to check their premises. And it has been said that she would have a visceral reaction to a statement because she could uncoil the chain of logic suspending the conclusion, finding the loose link in a lightening fast fashion. (Read more...)
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July 24, 2002
War for Men's Minds
It's about courage!
by Ross Elliot
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So, what's the point of participating in the democratic process? Well, prima facie, not much. Except the fillip of knowing that at LEAST you tried to make a small dent in Fortress Statism. (Read more...)
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